All Fuyoβs smart contracts are deployed on Binance Smart Chain (BNB Chain) and we believe this creates several benefits that will enable Fuyo to operate safely.
Resistance to attack. The major risks are, 51% attack on the blockchain consensus, and Binance Smart Chain (BNB Chain) are top blockchain networks. With more than $4b in TVL, and more than 700 protocols, it would not be feasible for such an attack.
Cheap gas fees. As Fuyo pays for all user gas fees, userβs do not need to worry about gas fees. This would be a costly operational cost for Fuyo. Therefore, with Binance Smart Chain, this will significantly reduce the operational cost for supporting on-chain operations.
Widely accepted. BNB Chain (bep20) is 1 of the top blockchain networks, with more than 700k daily active users, widely accepted for many cryptocurrency/web3 wallets and accepted to all centralised exchanges. This makes it easier for users to deposit & withdraw the winnings in USDT to their wallet or crypto-exchange accounts.