Fuyo is designed from the user experience perspective. We believe everyone, globally, should have the opportunity to access to lottery gaming immediately, whenever he/she/they chooses to do so.
Therefore, we designed Fuyo to be the most accessible 4D lottery gaming app globally. 24/7 365 days a year. Anytime, anywhere.
Imagine, Juan from Mexico wakes up and had a vivid dream about his car license registration number, he can just place the bet immediately through his mobile phone for his car license registration number.
Or Alexandre from CIS region, just remembered about a lucky number from a friend's birthday party and decided to place a 4D bet before he goes to sleep.
Or Vikram from South Asia region, saw an incident involving 2 vehicles and decided to place a bet for the 2 vehicles, immediately as he saw it.
Or Zhang from East Asia, just loves to make a lottery bet specifically, at specific time for his lucky number. Zhang lucky time always brings him fortune!